Friday, January 10, 2014

I Have Not Been Fair

I read a blog today where the reviewer stated that she did not pick up romance novels often because they all are summarized pretty much the same way which is how I feel also. But after reading two romance novelslast year, I changed my mind. I am not saying they are all good, some of them are cookie cutter and if you like that that is fine, but I am not a fan. But I try to include reviews from others in my blog because as you know my blog is for all genres.

Then I took a hard look at myself. I NEVER promote YA. Maybe once or twice I did. I remember reading one book that I liked that was categorized as YA. I had won that book and it was good. But when I read the synopsis of other such books, it all sounds the same. If someone could give me a heads up, or somehow I could get a free copy so I did not waste my money if I did not like it, that would be ideal. But that is not happening.

So what I plan to do is to do some book tours that are YA and include some popular and indie YA books for you all to take a look at and you decide yourself if you want to read it. I am going to try to fit in a YA book to read soon. Just to be fair.

It is funny when you take a good look in the mirror what you see.


  1. You can smile back at the mirror, you are honest and write the truth, whether it's only yours or not!

    1. Elaine you are very sweet. Yes I have always been known for being honest. But it is nice to have someone recognize it and tell me things are aok! :)
