Saturday, January 4, 2014

Interview with author M.R. Gott

I have spoken of this author before. Today we are lucky enough to have M.R. Gott with us for an interview. For those of you who are not familiar you can look back through the archives and the two giveaways going on now are courtesy of our guest.

1. Did you always want to be a writer?

Since I was young I played with the concept and jotted ideas and scenes down. After trying to read a best seller and thinking the prose and scenes were unforgivably weak it became time to put up or shut up. Where the Dead Fear to Tread was the end result of putting up.

2. You write from what I have seen mostly horror. But in the horror is some mystery and definitely some thrills. I have read your list of influences. Would it be fair to say this is the only genre you will write in?

Aside from a few short stories I have limited myself to the horror genre. Aside from my affections for its trappings I find a freedom in labeling my work as horror. I honestly don’t want to offend people and when I deal with pretty grisly subject matter the horror label is a fair warning to readers so they are not blindsided. I may play with other genres in the future, but as of now I am content labeling myself a horror author.

3. I have read two of your books and, at the end, there is a question as to what actually happened. It is sort of for the reader to figure out. We had a discussion about one of the books. Is this a particular technique you are using or is this just how you like to present your stories, something of your own creation?

I think this is a byproduct of working in the horror genre. Fear of the unknown is a cliché, but holds an element of truth. I want to evoke the fears of my readers, not simply play in the nightmare worlds of my own creation.

4. I know you love comic books. I think you know that I do to. Have you ever thought of writing one? Or perhaps a graphic novel?

That would be the dream. I think about it nearly every day. I am in very preliminary stages for adapting Where the Dead Fear To Tread into a comic, but I wouldn’t advise anyone hold their breath at this point.

5. What is your personal favorite story of yours that you have written?

My favorite story is a still unpublished short story tentatively titled, ‘The Little Child Eve Smith.’ I know that’s a bit of a cheat but it’s true. It was an idea that stemmed from a strong belief I hold, rather than an attempt to come up with something that is both creepy and clever. For work available to readers my novel Where The Dead Fear to Tread is what I am most fond of. Short stories reflect where I was mentally at the time of writing them, where as a full novel is bigger than a single moment in my life.

6. I see you have two books you collaborated on. Tell me about them.

These are short story collections.

7. Do you carry a notebook with you to jot down story ideas when they come to you, or to jot down more of a story when you are working on one or can you usually keep that in your head?

In my head I have a few different stories and scenes in my head at all times. I also have a note pad in my car, but rather than story ideas I use it for phrases or words that strike my fancy at any given time. I then pluck from it when a scene isn’t developing quite the way I want it to.

8. Where is your inspirational place to write? For instance out on the patio, in a park, at a desk, etc?

I have an office at my house that I sequester myself inside whenever I need to get something accomplished. It’s a wood paneled room with a few bookcases and framed comic art on the walls.

9. Must have food while working hard on a story?

Not food, but coffee. The real must have is a stereo, I cannot abide silence. My life has a constant soundtrack. While writing I usually listen to horror film scores.

1o. Are you working on anything now?

I am. The project most likely to be released the soonest is a collection of short to medium fiction. I’ve also just released the first to installments in what should be an ongoing series entitled Living Darkness.

12. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thanks to Molly Dee for allowing me this opportunity, and thanks to anyone reading my stuff. As Stan Lee says, “You keep reading them, I’ll keep writing them.

M.R. Gott’s work has been called, “bleak” and “relentless,” as well as “frantic, horrific, brutal, and without doubt the darkest thing I have read in years - maybe in my life.” And that was pretty much what he was going for. M.R. Gott is the author of Where the Dead fear to Tread and the sequel Where the Damned Fear Redemption. Aside from his contributions to Ravenous Monster M.R. has also published with Short Scary Stories. While crafting these upbeat, life affirming tales, M.R. enjoys dark coffee, dark beer, red wine, and fading light. For more on M.R. Gott and his works please visit

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