Saturday, December 21, 2013

Update on "Helping Out Our Independent Authors"

Something drew me back to the site and I started looking at all the authors that want to be published. It really made me think about how important it is that we support our indie authors and makes me feel happy that I know I have done more than my share.

So I found my first book I wanted to support. It cost 10 pounds. That was the cheapest option to fund the publication of the book. Plus you also get your name in the back of the book. But then I did the money conversion. I thought pounds were less than dollars. But no. For every one pound it two dollars. So the cheapest option that I mentioned was 10 pounds which would be 20 dollars. Not that much of course but at this time of year. *sigh*

Well my father-in-law always gives us "kids" a lot of money for Christmas in card so that is always nice. I need a new cell phone badly. Seriously mine is dropping calls like, I can't even think of a witty similarity. And the battery drains in about an hour. It is stupid already. Sorry it is just frustrating. But with the money I get, I can get my phone and have some left over to support an author. That would make me happy. In case you did not find it, the direct link to the books that need funding is oh lol! It is the same link I gave you, you just have to click on "Find a book". I will wait to tell you which one caught my eye until I can help fund it. Then you can ask me questions if you want to.

Happy funding!

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