Saturday, December 21, 2013

Update on Author Adam Light

If you read my blog frequently, or if you read it yesterday, you know a friend of mine and author Adam Light got into a very bad car accident. I am friends with him and his brother Evans who also is an author. So I had asked you to give some outpouring of affection to Adam and let him know that you care and gave you his as well as his brothers goodreads link. So I got this today from Evans:

"Hi All,

Thanks so much for the outpouring of love and support during Adam's injury. I know he's appreciated all the messages you sent him directly, and I've been passing along those sent to me as well.

Here's an from update from the man himself for you:

'The Doc gave me option to stay and get the good dope a little longer or go home. I got the hell out of Dodge. I am home in my bed now. I have a lot of healing to do, so I am going to be lying low for a few days. I will try to get on GR occasionally. Thanks to everyone for the heartfelt bet wishes. It means the world to me.' - Adam

Thank you so much,


So that is good news. Again it will take him a while to get back to you if you wrote. For those of you who are just reading about this, please go back to yesterday's posts and find the one about, I think I titled it something about an accident, and get the goodreads links and support Adam of course and his brother because this is very hard on his brother. Thank you to anyone who did write either Adam or Evans. Again they are more than just authors, they are friends of mine.

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