Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Price of Fame

Well the someone is really putting a monkey wrench in my plans tonight. Technically I have been up all day, blogging or reading and am very tired. But I got on a roll. There is always so much book news and book related information!! Well I seem to have posted so much that my computer keeps asking me if I am a robot. What I mean is that it tells me I have posted too much and that I have to prove I am not a robot by reading one of those squares with a combination of letters and numbers. Well I am horrible at them in the first place. And in the second place I did get a message that someone signed into my account from a different location. So that did disturb me. I made the report. A friend of mine told me three sites were hacked last week and that I should change my passwords but I never got around to it. Maybe it is time to. I have used my credit card online too I hope that was secure.

So to sum up, I cannot post anymore. I had a book review to go up and more book news. Plus my daily quote, review, and list. And my usual mix of all kinds of book related things.

So you will just have to do without me for a while. I have a dentist appointment in the morning and then I have to go Christmas shopping. This is the latest I have waited ever. I am usually done in October! My husband was a big help. Shopping is a big project when your MS is acting up.

I will be back hopefully posting in the afternoon and for sure to announce the winner of the Noelle Adams book.

Have a great night and a good morning!

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