Thursday, December 19, 2013


I do not mention it too often but I get like a kid, I get excited with my blog views. And I just wanted to let you know I am less than 50 views away from 5,000. That is pretty exciting. I believe I have had the blog for two or two and a half months I have to check. Either way I am excited and very happy and greatful.

As always, I want to thank all of you who come by everyday. It means so much to me. I really appreciate it. I know there is a lot to look at on the internet and a lot of blogs, not to mention a lot of book blogs. The fact that you stop by here is really great.

I will not say anything again until I hit 10.000. Now THAT will be something to celebrate! :)

I will have to become more clever and find out a whole lot more about books ;)

Much love to you all.

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