Saturday, December 21, 2013

My Favorite Book I am Reading Right Now

I signed up for book tours about a month ago. I only go with two companies because I do not want it to get complicated. So besides the books I win or are gifted, I now have the pleasure of picking out books to read and review for virtual book tours.

This book that I am really into and halfway through is called Erasing Shadows by K.D. Rose. It is about a woman and her friend who used to play around in moving themselves across the astral planes and, years later when they have stopped doing it, the central character of the mother goes missing and gets lost in the astral plane.

This is a very gripping story. A real page turner. The imagination in this is incredible. I could see this as a movie. Somethings work out okay in life. My head is starting to feel a little better and I should rest to keep it that way but I want to finish this book because I want to see what happens!!!!

Pick up a copy you, as far as I know, will not be disappointd

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