Tuesday, December 3, 2013



“Julia had no trouble believing that, but she suspected his challenging demeanor was his way of keeping people at a distance. Sadly it was a strategy she understood all too well.Trusting by nature, she'd learned the hard way that when you let someone too close, they discovered all kinds of things about you. That kind of intimate knowledge gave them the chance to hurt you so deeply, it took all your strength just to put one foot in front of the other.”

by Mia Ross



I chose this book to put up for review because not only am I a sports fan and have heard Cowherd on ESPN Radio, but I won a copy of this book from goodreads.com. I would have read it right away if it was not for some other reading commitments. It is close to the top of the pile. I am very excited that I get to read this book. I can't wait!


YOU HERD ME! I'll Say It Again If No One Else Will
by Colin Cowherd

ESPN Radio host Cowherd sounds off on a variety of sports topics.

Although his business obliges him “to summon a strong opinion,” the author insists his views are honestly held, not adopted merely for the sake of controversy. It’s his job, he claims, to look beyond the press releases and the consumer’s to figure out who among the talking heads offers a reliable source of information. In his debut, Cowherd shotguns the sports world in a series of short chapters, each a blast on a hot topic—e.g., why Nike is the only company that can mount a marketing campaign sufficiently powerful to drive public opinion; why college basketball coaches are so insufferable; why quarterbacks from second-tier colleges have greater success in the NFL than those from big schools; why home-field advantage is so pronounced in the NFL; why the X Games ought to get out of the Olympics; why the Southeastern Conference is the biggest dynasty in sports; and why the NFL should ban in-stadium beer sales. The phone lines light up when Cowherd compares Bill Belichick to Steve Jobs, Major League Baseball to the Republican Party, Boston fans to 5-year-olds, John Daly to Allen Iverson, Peyton Manning to Robin Williams. Occasionally, he discourses on a nonsports topic—how “menstrual synchrony” has its male equivalent in the group stupidity of young men, why all comedians eventually lose their edges and why a so-called balanced life is overrated—but he sticks mostly to the games and personalities that obsess our sports-crazed nation. Cowherd’s socially liberal views often place him at odds with the sports world, and his brashness can be off-putting, but his departures from conventional wisdom, his humor and—notwithstanding his confessions of predictions gone horribly wrong—his frequently incisive trendspotting and analysis set him apart from the pack of radio hosts who do no more than fill time.

Provocative and amusing takes on the passing sports parade.

Pub Date:Nov. 19th, 2013
Page count:320pp
Publisher:Crown Archetype
Review Posted Online:Nov. 12th, 2013
Kirkus Reviews Issue:Dec. 1st, 2013



I do my best to scour the sites for the best lists of books. I do try not to always use Kirkus but they are very good. They put out a list of the Best Teen Books of 2013. The link is wonderful. You are given the best teen books but broken down into for example Best Teen Graphic Novels of 2013, Best Teen Thrillers of 2013, Best Teen Fantasy and Science Fiction of 2013, etc. I know we have a lot of young readers but we also have a lot of adults that like the YA category. So you may find one of your favorite books here. Or one you never heard of!


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