Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Oh you are going to love this. Follow the link provided to get some of the best gifts for your book loving friends! I found this article in The Los Angeles Times under the section they call HERO COMPLEX - Pop Culture Unmasked. I am going to give you the link but I am going to pick five neat items to show you so you know how cool this list is. This is real Holiday Book Fun!


Gift 1 - “Fortunately, the Milk,” $14.99: That imaginative, good-humored 8-to-12-year-old who loves to read (or who you’d like to help get into reading) isn’t old enough yet for Neil Gaiman’s “The Sandman,” but can enjoy this fantastical and funny illustrated adventure book about a father who gets wildly sidetracked (aliens! pirates!) on a trip to get milk for his kids’ cereal. The writer is joined by artist Skottie Young, and both are award winners many times over. (HarperCollins Children’s)

Gift 2 - Sherlock hat pendant necklace, $14.99: Whether you prefer Benedict Cumberbatch or a previous iteration of the world’s most famous consulting detective, pay tribute to the Baker Street sleuth with this hand-made pendant featuring Sherlock’s trademark deerstalker hat. Shown here in gunmetal, the necklace is also available in antiqued brass, copper and silver colors. (http://jewelrygeek.com/)

Gift 3 - “Doctor Who” TARDIS night light, $16.98: Are the aliens from late-night “Doctor Who” marathons making it hard to get some shut-eye? Keep nightmares of Weeping Angels, Vashta Nerada and Zygons at bay with a TARDIS night light. The light, from a 7-watt bulb, shines through the police box windows on three sides. (https://www.shop.bbc.com/)

Gift 4 - “Game of Thrones” Direwolf plush, $19.99: For all the death, violence and betrayal in “Game of Thrones,” the Stark children have constant and faithful companions in their direwolves. These plush toys may not be able to protect you from White Walkers, but they sure are adorable. Choose from Ghost, Summer or Grey Wind. (http://store.hbo.com/)

Gift 5 - "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" Bofur's scarf knitting kit, $43.99: Bundle up against those Misty Mountain winds with a tri-color scarf like the one Bofur (James Nesbitt) wears in "The Hobbit" films. This kit includes knitting instructions and the same New Zealand wool used by the films' costume department -- enough for a crafty Middle-earth enthusiast to make a 2.8-yard scarf. (http://www.wetanz.com/)

I want to show you a lot more gifts but you can see them, all 57 of them! There is a lot of comic book graphic novels, books, Marvel figures, Thor items, more GOT items, one of the new game players like Nintendo, and a silver Lord of The Rings necklace. A Desolation of Smaug necklace. It is cool. I want it I think. The site starts with the least expensive item and goes up. So enjoy this holiday book fun and hopefully you find a gift for someone, or for yourself. :)

I am so excited about the holidays this year!

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