Friday, December 20, 2013

A Serious Matter

For those who read my blog, you know I am a fan of Evans Light. I am also a fan of his brother Adam Light. I just found that Evans brother, good friend, and fellow author Adam was in a car accident that fractured three vertebrae. He is currently in surgery as of when Evans wrote to me about an hour ago.

Evans reported his brother had been in good spirits since the accident (probably due in no small part part to pain killers) and has even been kicking around on Goodreads a little as he waited for surgery.

Evans wrote on goodreads "I'm sure he would appreciate any moral support and good vibes you're able to throw his way - just understand it may be a little while before he's able to reply.

Thanks to all of you in advance for your support. Adam enjoys his Goodreads friends so much."

So for those of you who know Evans or Adam, please support the both of them. I wrote to Adam and cannot wait to hear the update from Evans. I wrote to him too.

Even if you do not know them, they are great horror authors and good men. Plus it is the holidays and this is a horrible thing to happen so maybe you can send a short message wishing Adam well and if you do not already know him, say you know me and I asked. If you have some extra holiday spirit you can write to Evans too and support him since this is family.

I appreciate anything you can do and thank you in advance.

Adam Light on goodreads (had the accident)

Evans Light on goodreads (brother)

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