Friday, December 20, 2013

Wish Book: Readers Generously Give to Those in Need

(from San Jose Mercury News
by Leigh Pointinger)

(this is technically not about a book but people read newspapers and it is that time of the year to help those in need. I noticed the last article I put up about the Archie Comic helping out all of those in need, donating all of that money, got a lot of views. So help out if you can)

Mercury News readers are responding generously to the Wish Book's annual entreaty to help their neighbors in need.

Readers have donated, written and called to express their support for those featured in this year's 24 Wish Book stories, including Isaac Ruiz, a 9-year-old San Jose boy with brittle bone disease who needs a lightweight wheelchair and a standing frame to help with his physical therapy, and student veterans at Foothill and DeAnza Colleges who need assistance buying textbooks.

Isaac is close to getting a new wheelchair. Numotion, a provider of custom wheelchairs, has offered a substantial discount. His family and physical therapist are busy going over the specifications needed to place the order.

"December has been one of our toughest months this year and I'm just in awe from all the support," wrote Raquel Ruiz, Isaac's mom.

Since Thanksgiving, more than 500 donors have contributed nearly $140,000 to help our community. Wish Book just received an anonymous donation of $30,000 -- its largest so far this year. "Even though this gift was anonymous, we'd like to express our sincere gratitude to whoever is responsible for this incredible generosity," said David J. Butler, editor of the Mercury News.

The Wish Book articles will continue through Dec. 31. All of the stories can be found online now at Readers may make a tax-deductible donation on the website, or may contribute by mail using the coupon printed in the paper. Wish Book also accepts donations of appreciated stock. Readers interested in making a stock donation should contact

Following is a partial list of Wish Book donors:

John Alexander and Jane Divinski in honor of the wonderful JeanaMarie; Patricia and Deanna Alves in memory of Joe Alves and Bill George; American Legion Auxiliary in honor of veterans; Bill and Susan Andersen; Steven and Mary Andersen in honor of Jeanne Petersen; Ramaswamy Anupama in honor of Kausalya Ramaswamy; William Aylesworth in honor of Brian Aylesworth.

Brian Badenoch in honor of Mary Artibee and Milt Mallory; Sarah Badenoch in honor of Mary Artibee and Milt Mallory; Mike, Laura and Michaela Barnett; Elizabeth Beenen in honor of Richard Fuller; Tim Benham; Deborah Best in memory of Chris Oreglia; Wendell Birkhofer in honor of Joan Safajek; Dina Birrell in honor of Maya Naleid — you rock!; Mimi Bloom; Katie Boennighausen in honor of The Burns Family; Ann Bowman in honor of Rick Peralta; Helen Brendage; Roger and Margot Brockmeyer; Claudia Buchner; Kelly Burns in honor of The Ryan Family; Brian Bushnell; Kate and Dave Butler; Rob and Colleen Butterfield; Bill and Sharon Bynum.

Yesenia Calderon in honor of Humberto-Calderon; Brent Callaghan; Alexander and Janice Cardona in honor of Renee Ortiz; Viola Carr; Karen Carrie; Park Chamberlain; Jason Chan; Kathy Cimino in honor of Josh McClenahen; Rudi Clark in honor of Kathy Kellett; Marianne Cogorno in honor of John Judge; Deborah Colden in honor of Wish Book staff and the best holiday gift catalog; Patricia Colter and Ted Cribari; Michael Culcasi in honor of Rose Culcasi; Darby Cunning in honor of The Woodley family.

Linda P. Davidge; Betty A. Davis; Pierre and Kathleen de la Rocha in honor of Gilberto de la Rocha; Susan Dean; Nancy DeFever; Anton Diederich; Noel Dietz; Dana and Elaine Ditmore; Vu Doan in honor of Jenson and Emma; Thomas Downing in honor of FIT Los Altos; Sarah Duncan.

Kathleen Eagan; Kim Erickson; Maria Etheredge in honor of Adam Collins, currently serving in the Army.

Les and Margaret Fisher; Marilyn Fordham in honor of John W. Fordham; Peggy and Bruce Frederick.

Eve Gantley in honor of Ermelinde Van Boxtel; Ann Gard in honor of Phil and Betty Cordeiro; Bill Gartmann; Angel Garza in honor of Prosperity Ann Garza; Evelyn Goldstein; Richard and Rose Gravelle in honor of the Gravelle grandkids; Martha Greene in honor of Robert Greene; Lilly Grenz.

Therese Harmon in honor of Tony Pustelnik; Margaret Heiman; Hannelore Hempe; Marie Hensley and Catherine Criswell; Alan and Anita Herrmann in honor of David Farrington; Margot Hessling; Dale Hill; Dan Hoffman in honor of Saul Hoffman; Richard Holbrook; Bonnie Home in honor of Holly Hayes; Gary Hubbard.

Cynie & Bill Jackson in honor of the Jackson Grandchildren; Angelina Johnson in honor of Don Cordero; Johnston Family 1996 Trust; Steven and Ella Jones in honor of Grace Ann Goerzen.

Kelvin and Jody Kamachi in honor of James DeVera; Patricia Kelker in honor of Sean Kelker; Kathy Kellett; Sajid Khan in honor of Sulaiman Khan; Caryl and Ralph Kirkup in honor of Isaac Ruiz; Heather Kiuttu in honor of The Kiuttu Family; E. Kok; Pat Kotwicki; William and Mary Kunkel in honor of Dorothy Kunkel.

Landry and Bogan, Inc. (Rose Steele); Maureen Langdon in honor of John Hanrahan; Craig Larsen; Phil and Judy Livengood; Joyce Locke in honor of Ida Belle Woods; Stephen Lopez and Linda Sherry in honor of Max and Erna Eisenmann; Adolph and Phyllis Lund; William and Gail Lyons in honor of Sam Rauen.

John and Alison Mackey in honor of Walter Dahl; Doris Maples in honor of Jeff Maples Morris; Vera Masters in honor of H.L. "Pete" Masters; Sten and Carole Mawson; McCown Family; Amy McDonald; Sondra McIntyre in honor of Cassidy Kordik; Adrienne Medalie in honor of Veda Medalie; Shannon Meier; Geoffrey and Angelika Mendal; Bryan Miller in honor of John T. Miller and Don E. Pedersen; Patricia Munoz; Katherine Moore; Myrna Moore; Karin Murabito in honor of Frank Vergara.

Glen and Gloria Nakamatsu; Thomas and Marsha Nedney in honor of Gabby and Cade Nedney; Rich and Linda Nedved; Bruce Newman in honor of Nicole Newman; Lan Nguyen; Bob Northey; Theresa Nott.

Debra Pacio; Susie Patino; Diane Patterson; Edward H. Perry in honor of Laurie Bonilla and Ed Perry; Iris Pierce; Bruce and Donna Prime.

Stanka Radonjic in honor of Maya Naleid; R.D.S. Construction, Inc.; Lev Revutsky; Mike and Arlene Rexford; Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Richardson; Dolores Ridgely; Robert and Lorie Rizzo in honor of Doris Dillon, Graystone Teacher; Roy and Marsha Rocklin; Craig and Shari Rodenberger; John Roper; Carrie Rose; Ruth and Dick Rosenbaum; Carole Ryan in honor of Marjorie Henders; Donald Ryan in honor of The Boennighausen Family.

Harvey and Lapaula Sakai in honor of Mark Gash; Gerry and Coco Schoenwald; Christina and Scott Seaman; Seapod Trust; Lyle and Sally Sechrest; Michael Siaweleski in honor of John Monagle; Taylor and Koryne Smith in honor of Derek and Joanne Berry; Spanish Heritage Society in honor of Sammy Rauen; Kelsey Stillinger; Chris and Joe Stinson in honor of Magglio Boscarino; James Wheat and Ruth Su in honor of Grace Lin Su.

Mary Taylor in honor of Kara Taylor; Ricardo Terrazas Jr.; Irving and Karen Traiger; Gregory and Catherine Trindle in honor of The Carbullido Family and The Mersch Family.

Leonard Valverde; Sofie Vandeputte; Ann Vivian; Melissa Vogel.

Barbara Wallace in honor of Maya Naleid; Ken Weber; Mark Weiner; Andrea Wheeler; Barbara Willis; Charles Wilson; Robert Wilson; Tracy Wingrove in honor of Lynn Hastings; MaryAnn Woodall in honor of Issac Ruiz and Brian Aylesworth; William Worthington in honor of Jeremy, Scott, and Travis; Stephen Wright in honor of Holly Hayes.

Zlotoff Family in honor of Anita Goldwasser.

Comments about Wish Book stories? Email or call coordinator Leigh Poitinger at 408-920-5972. "Like" our page at


Donate to Wishbook at

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