Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sometimes I Wonder

I watch a LOT of movies. Or I did until until I was able to read again. It is hard to do a lot of each of those things at the same time.

What I wondered even before I started reading so much again was how certain movies would be as a book. The opposite of what people normally think. Today I watched two movies that wow, there is just no way they could be a book. The visuals are too good. I wanted to share them because, as far as the comedy genre, they are two of my favorites.

Zoolander: making fun of the fashion industry? YES! I LOVE Ben Stiller in anything but, as male model Derrek Zoolander, he was hysterical. His looks, his lack of common sense, he played that role to a "t". I can watch that movie every time it is on and usually do.

Talledega Nights: Talk about a funny movie! "Shake & Bake". These two made a great team. Will Ferrell is funny in anything he is un but wow, this went above and beyond. It was funny before the accident but after! WOW! The stab in the leg was priceless. And Ricky Bobby thinking he was on fire when he wasn't was hysterical. Another movie I watch every time it is on. And a nod to Molly Shannon who made an appearance as Ricky Bobby's owner's son's wife.

I should start a movie blog. I have an A-Z notebook I have kept of every single movie I have seem. I did start it when I was older and put down what I could remember from when I was younger. I used a Columbia House guide at the time to fill in some spaces, then I just started keeping track. I have seen over 2,000 movies. When I did find out a really good movie was a book, I would always curse, especially when I could not read. I really try to keep up with what is a book adaption because I would rather read the book.

So that is just a little look into me. I love Horror and Humor!

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