Saturday, December 21, 2013

Review of "Cartoons from a Slightly Warped Mind" by T-McCracken

Yes, I am reviewing a book of cartoons. It is still a book and needs a review.

It was hilarious.

I saw a few of McCrackens cartoons on a site that I do not remember how I got to, and they had to do with books, so I was on top of that. And they were really funny. I put two on my blog because they were so funny and book related. I usually do not spend money on books, (if you know my blog, you know about my incredible winning streak of getting free books) but a little birdy told me this would be a good investment. And at $10.00 total (price of book plus shipping and handling, and she signed it!) it was a great deal for all the laughs I got out of it.

Since I cannot quote or really do a synopsis, here are a few descriptions of some of the cartoons:

A couple sitting on the couch with their dog in a pile of drool, the caption: "Pavlov, dear, either we get rid of the dog or get a different ring tone.

Computer Dictionary, the caption: Obsolete: Any piece of software or hardware that you brought last week for mega bucks.

A picture of a dead man and a dead deer and a police officer, the caption: I'm sorry Mr. Bond, Mr. James Bond, but a license to kill does not include hunting deer out of season.

Picture of a camel in a wheelchair, man talking to a farmer, caption: My client is suing you for growing the straw that broke her back.

Picture of a guy in a grocery store, caption: Only 1 calorie per serving: one million servings per can.

Caption: Jackson Pollock's house painters (you can imagine the cartoon).

And for the Holidays:

Picture of a Reindeer in a bathroom stall, the caption: Rudolph, with his nose so bright, goes in for his drug test.

So I hope you see the twisted humor that McCracken has and hope you could picture those cartoons to the point that you got a good chuckle. I suggest picking up this book. I always loved cartoon. I do not get the newspaper anymore and even when I get it, I do not read the comics. I am not sure why I stopped. But maybe I need to go back to it again. After all, a laugh a day keeps the doctor away.

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