Tuesday, December 24, 2013

On a Serious Note...What is Up With My Blog Again?

Just a simple why is all I am asking. I should put this on my "Why" blog which I cannot do because I am too busy here. However, my blog has taken it upon itself to highlight certain words in (uggg) dark blue. So not only does it not match my color scheme but it is annoying and I do not know how to get rid of it. I did not press or hit anything that I am aware of. I do not like it in regular articles and I think it makes everything look sloppy. I mean if they choose a word related to what I was blogging about, as if somehow the computer had some higher understanding. But it is just random words. I hope it stops. It looks junky and makes me cranky. You wouldn't like me when I'm cranky. AH! Who am I kidding I am Sally Sunshine! lol! But seriously, I hope it goes away. Maybe after Christmas. Maybe the Elf on the Shelf did it. You know he's pesky.

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