Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Extra Christmas Fun

Seeing as we had Michael Brookes here today to guest blog, it reminded me of his blog "The Cult Of Me" which is amazing. It was there that I learned about drabbles. Drabbles, in case you do not know, are stories containing exactly 100 words. It is definitely not as easy as it sounds.

Well, on Michael's Twitter page was a tweet about a Drabble Advent Calander. I am not going to tell you anything about it but I will give you the link so that you can check out all the fun.

Drabble Advent Calander

p.s. - there may be prizes involved :)


  1. Thanks for the mention, Melissa. We had fun writing these Christmas drabbles (in the summer!) :)

    P.S. there WILL be prizes involved ;)

    1. Jonathan-you are so welcome! I am impressed you were in the Christmas Spirit in the summer lol! I like Michael's Blog and when I saw what you came up with I could not resist sharing. I am sure a lot of people do not know what drabbles are but the whole idea of the Advent Calender and the Christmas Drabbles was just great. I was inspired to write my first one. I sent it to Michael first. I will send you a copy. I am hoping to read your book. And you are welcome to come here anytime to announce something or to blog here :)

    2. Thank you, Melissa. You are kind. Yes, it was roasting hot outside and I was thinking of roasting chestnuts! :)

    3. HA!!! That was clever. So you were kind of like the department store when they are selling winter coats in the summer lol!
