Monday, December 23, 2013


I wanted to mention I am sure those of you that read my blog frequently noticed that this everyday post that I wanted to do that involved an Christmas arts and crafts project having to use a book was the catch has been missing. I found it got very hard to find ones that were not similar, or all done by Martha Stewart. So, being as that is is two days before Christmas, I hope you did enjoy the posts when they ran and did try some of the cool craft projects to make out of books.

I may mix it up next time. For say Easter, do a regular craft project and a book craft project. Or maybe it could be named after a book. I will see when the time comes.

Remember, if any of you attempted those crafts, please share here! If you want to send a picture to me I will post it. And we will write a caption for it.

I love reading as you all know but I adore crafting and encourage you to all try it. I did put some easy ones in my "December Fun" posts.

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