Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Morning Cup of Links: Awesome Librarians

(from mentalfloss.com
by Miss Cellania)

In celebration of National Library Week, here are 10 Reasons Why Librarians Are Awesome. Number 11: my daughter is determined to be one someday.
One year after the Boston Marathon Bombing, an injured survivor tells us about her year of recovery. Headlines fade, but she is living with permanent damage.
Explore humanity’s next step. Transhumanism may extend our lives, or turn us into monsters, or both.
A kid asked Netflix to go to the prom with him, and Netflix said yes. They got him a James Bond tux and a car and driver from Grease.
This flight attendant's safety announcement is actually worth listening to. One planeload of passengers gave her an ovation after they finished laughing.
Watch a guy who’s so drunk he can’t figure out how to get over a fence. He tries every way he knows, until a little child shows him how to do it.
How Being a Doctor Became the Most Miserable Profession. They could use some help, but they still discourage others from choosing that career.
If a nuclear bomb exploded in downtown Washington, what should you do? This is particularly relevant for those who live or work in or near Washington.

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