Monday, December 16, 2013

Comic Book Reviews Ahead?

Those of you who have read my blog for a while know how much I love comic books. I have not had a chance to read any that I got at ComicCon yet. And I also did not get a chance to finish reading the ones I got at the comic store where I purchased my passes for ComicCon.

Like I don't have enough on my plate to begin with, I was wondering if I should review some comic books here. I hope you all read my post about comic books really being books. (If not look in the archives). I have reviewed a graphic novel and have more to read and review (good ones!).

Since you are my audience and I do this for you, this is where the comments count. I wish I knew how to put up a poll to where you can mark "yes" or "no" but I am not that skilled yet. I am not ashamed to admit it. But I would appreciate your comments. Do you already like what I do now or would you like me to add a few comic reviews?

I will leave it up to you.

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