Friday, December 20, 2013

We Are Having Company!

My readers are very lucky. I have a double dose for you. Author of a lot of great horror, M.R. Gott is coming in the next week or two do do a guest blog. I am really excited!

And then he has agreed to do an interview with me also. So you will get to learn all about him.

For now, you can check out his profile here: M.R. Gott profile on goodreads

M.R. Gott's Blog

M.R. Gott's Website

Just a note: On his website you can check out the books he has written (available on Amazon), I started with Daddy's Got You (do not read if you have a weak stomach) and then my next foray was Together and Alone. Since it is that time of year these are the cheapest books that he has available, and still a great place to start. Plus jam packed into them is sheer horror! You can see also on this page the collaborations he has worked on which I personally cannot wait to read.

So look up this great author and keep checking back here for the guest blog and the interview.

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