Tuesday, July 8, 2014

BOOK BLITZ! A Different Kind of Safari

A Different Kind of Safari Helen Hipp

About the Book

Title: A Different Kind of Safari | Author: Helen C. Hipp | Publication Date: March 19, 2013 | Publisher: A Different Kind of Safari LLC | Pages: 32 | Recommended Ages: 5 to 10

Summary: What do you need to feel happy about being different? Based loosely on real life experiences, this heartwarming and powerful book illustrates how self-awareness, and courage help a young boy named Raymond learn the difference between seeing things as they appear to be and seeing things as they are. Feeling "different and lonely" Raymond befriends a hippo while on Safari in Africa. Unlike other grey hippos, this hippo is pink. Ray is soon carried into a world beyond labels and challenging assumptions. You will never guess what happens next!

The Inspiration Behind the Story by Helen Hipp

A Different Kind of Safari inside page

Inspired by real-life adventure, the story behind the story unfolded when I went on an African safari back in 2001. The trip was lead by my father whose dream was to share the safari experience with his family. Little did I know that this trip was going to incite me to write a children’s adventure book but it did.

The storyline made it appearance when my family spotted a pod of hippos and one was pink! My son Ray fourteen at the time immediately named her “Rosie”. Curious and wanting to learn more about this hippo we asked the guide many questions about hippos and hippo behavior. Specifically I wanted to know why the pink hippo stood so far outside of her pod. The familiarity of the guides answer took me by surprise, he explained that “Rosie” was tolerated but not necessarily accepted by the herd because of her differences. As a parent of a child with special needs I immediately felt a strong affiliation with Rosie’s situation as did my son Ray who has experienced his own challenges with acceptance. Inspired, I decided to share the story with the world by weaving them into a children's adventure book that celebrates differences. The book is entitled “A Different Kind of Safari”. Find out what you can learn from Rosie the pink hippo, and how you can share those lessons with the children in your life.

Book Trailer

The Buzz About the Book

"A timeless book, that will speak to everyone. To be enjoyed over and over again! A fun, yet very thought provoking story for all ages. If books had a satisfaction guarantee, this one would be on the top of the list. " ~ 5 Star Review, Adden B. Chrystie, Amazon

"A Different Kind of Safari is truly a different kind of children's book! The beautiful artwork bring a very special story to life and I am excited the book is now available in audio format for an added bonus while driving kids around town! I particularly love the message of the book, which teaches us to celebrate our unique differences through Rosie the Pink Hippo rather than allow them to keep us from exploring our potentials. I highly recommend this book to all parents and special needs educators in particular. Thank you for writing this wonderful story!" ~ 5 Star Review, missladyjane, Barnes and Noble

"I really enjoyed this book. The illustrations were beautiful. I found this book to be very interesting and it was written from real life experiences. A Different Kind of Safari draws you in along with Ray on his journey to find his happiness and the answers to his questions. I recommend this book to children that are of grade school age but yet many younger children may enjoy the illustrations." ~ 5 Star Review, Whittle House, Goodreads

"The book has a great story. The illustrations are amazing!!!!! Get this book! All children from the young to the old will love this book. " ~ 5 Star Review, Mel, Amazon

"A Different Kind of Safari is not only a good book, but a great story! It is not only for caregivers, teachers and parents, but for anyone who has ever felt out of place. A pink hippo named “Rosie” and her friend “Ray” take a journey and explore their similarities and differences on the river of life. Self- acceptance and the acceptance of others is exquisitely conveyed in a fresh, FUN way through this sweet tail. It is a prize for all libraries!" ~ 5 Star Review, Anna Wood, Barnes and Noble


Amazon (Hardcover) | Audible (Audiobook) | Barnes and Noble

About the Author: Helen C. Hipp

Helen C. Hipp, Author
Helen Hipp’s experience raising a special needs child led her to an M.A. in clinical psychology and certification as a life coach. She began her career as a psychotherapist to help people find answers for their life problems. Her work eventually evolved into a coaching practice, WithinU Life Coaching, focusing on individuals with special needs and their families. Helen uses her 13+ years of counseling experience and 20+ years’ experience as a successful advocate for individuals with special needs by helping them reveal their innate ability to solve difficult situations. Her debut book " A Different Kind of Safari" puts into words the essence of Helen's teachings addressing the many questions life asks by offering up lighthearted, ever-changing perspectives that transform personal challenges into opportunities.

For more information, visit the books official website and to see a picture of the real Rosie the real life pink hippo that inspired this story, go to www.adifferentkindofsafari.com;

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

* Book Blast Giveaway *

Amazon 25 gift card

Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal cash (winner’s choice)

Contest ends: August 6, 11:59 pm, 2014

Open: Internationally

How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.

Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Helen Hipp and is hosted and managed by Renee from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to Renee(at)MotherDaughterBookReviews(dot)com.

MDBR Book Promotion Services

It Is So Nice To Be Back!!!

Dear Readers,

I hope you still are checking back with me. A day being gone in blog world is like a few weeks! What happened was I was not on my blog because I was not feeling well on the 3rd and when I went on to blog on the 4th, my blog had been deleted. I have three blogs so I saw two and the most important one was gone. The one I am running my new business with is gone.

So I have been researching since them and doing what they told me to do and sweating like crazy to make sure this blog came home safe. I hope this does not happen again and am finding out what I can do to prevent it. They said I was spamming and I was not even on hardly at all up to the days leading to the deletion.

I am just happy (as I hope you are) that it is back.

I am going to let you soak up the fact that my blog is back and I have a great interview later today. Thank you to everyone who wrote me at other places to see if I was okay. I really appreciate it.

So I wanted to again announce that I started a book tour company and my first tour will be near the end of July. I am waiting for the author to come back from vacation so we can pick a date and I can let you know what to look for. I have read this book and it is very good. It is an adventure/mystery. I hope you will like what I will be bringing to my blog page. I have 6 other authors set up and am very excited.

If you could all do me two favors. The first would be if you are a blogger or know a blogger, I have help but need more. I will have everything put together and you will just post it the way you are used to on your blog. You can comment on my here or reach me on my facebook or twitter page. If you want to talk on my aol just tell me on twitter or facebook and I will give you the addy.

The other favor is I sure could use some more likes so if you could visit my Twitter page (@Mismatchedbookend) and follow and go to my facebook page (www.facebook.com/Mismatchedbookendtours) and like my page. I post a lot at both pages and will post even more once the tours get rolling so make sure you check that like you check my blog.

It is soooo nice to be back. I really missed everyone.

I hope to hear from some of you soon by comment or through my social media.

If there are any authors you want me to interview or get a guest post from please let me know. And if you have a book that you think should be toured, I will write to the author. Some authors have established companies that that handle their tours but it can never hurt to ask.

Have WONDEFUL Tuesday everyone!! It is nice to be home.

Love and Light,
Mismatched Bookend Tours

Thursday, July 3, 2014

BOOK BLAST!! Destiny and Faith Go To Twincentric Academy

Mother Daughter Book Reviews is pleased to be coordinating this Book Blast on behalf of author Jourden Cleghorn who writes under the pen name of Teddy O'Malley.

Jourden was recently involved in a serious automobile accident resulting in severe injuries just days after her new book, Destiny and Faith Go To Twincentric Academy, was published in May 2014. The indie author community has come together to support this young author/illustrator during this challenging time. Please read below to see what you can do to help in a small way.

Destiny and Faith by Teddy O'Malley

About the Book

Title: Destiny and Faith Go To Twincentric Academy | Author: Teddy O'Malley | Publication Date: May 11, 2014 | Publisher: Independent | Pages: 62 | Recommended Ages: 6 to 10

Summary: Destiny and Faith are going into second grade and their mom has a great idea. She's going to send them to a school for twins! They're not sure whether to be excited or terrified. Come join them and see what happens!


The Buzz

"Anyone who's tried to buy a book or birthday card for a child who isn't white will know how few are available. Golden hair and blue eyes rule. I was delighted by Destiny and Faith, who are mixed race/bi-racial, perfect for some children very close to me. However, let me quickly say that this is a story for all children. A school for twins is such a great idea and Destiny and Faith's adventures have a universal message about friendship and learning how to get along with each other. This would also be a good book for actual twins as some of the issues that arise in twin relationships come up in the story." ~ 5 Star Review, Mary Josephina Cade, Amazon

"I just finished reading this book. I got it for my daughter and decided to read it myself. It is so ORIGINAL and totally ADORABLE! A MUST READ for young children looking to read their FIRST CHAPTER BOOK! My daughter LOVES it!! I highly recommend this book!! " ~ 5 Star Review, radams, Amazon

"A great story for young girls, with lots of fun dialogue. Accompanied throughout by black and white drawings. These capture the body language and expressions of the different characters perfectly. Looking forward to more in the Destiny and Faith series." ~ 5 Star Review, M.J. Kinsman, Amazon

About the Author: Teddy O'Malley

Teddy O'Malley Author
Jourden Cleghorn, who writes and illustrates children’s books under the pen name Teddy O' Malley, was born in in Saint Louis, Missouri. She has traveled all over the United States and enjoys learning about new things and other cultures. She dreams of visiting a foreign country. She has enjoyed studying Spanish, German, and now Italian as well. Jourden paired her language skills with pictures of puppies to write Tell Me How You Say Good Night, a bedtime story. And a childhood friendship with a biracial girl named Hope influenced Jourden to make the Destiny and Faith characters biracial in her series about twins. Many of her books include a thread about friendship and acceptance of others. Jourden previously worked part time as a nurse assistant helping the disabled and elderly.

Author Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

How You Can Help

On Thursday, May 15, 2014, Jourden was the passenger in a small car when a much larger truck turned in front of them. She suffered severe injuries as a result of this accident including a cracked sternum, punctured lung, broken arm, and broken foot. Unforutnately, the nature and severity of Jourden's injuries have limited her ability to promote her books effectively. I was very moved when I was approached by a member of the Facebook group, "Fun-tastic Children’s Books " (of which Jourden is an active member) to help this young author. This wonderful group took it upon themselves to promote Jourden’s books on her behalf. They bought, reviewed, tweeted and shared her books throughout social media and are sponsoring (along with MDBR) the giveaway below.

If you should choose to enter the giveaway below (open worldwide), you will see an option to earn 10 extra entries in the giveaway by purchasing a copy of Teddy O'Malley's latest book, Destiny and Faith Go To Twincentric Academy from Amazon for only 99 cents. I hope you will consider helping out the author in this small way.

Of note, during her recovery, Jourden found the inspiration for another children’s book. It will be about a child recovering from a car crash and having to cope with learning to write with the opposite hand, and other hardships that must be overcome during the healing process. Jourden usually writes with her right hand, but plans to illustrate the book using her left. She wants to show that hardships can be overcome if one does not give up.

* $50 Book Blast Giveaway *

Amazon $50 Gift Card

Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal cash (winner’s choice)

Contest ends: July 30, 11:59 pm, 2014

Open: Internationally

How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.

Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by author PJ LaRue/Fun-tastic Children’s Books and Mother Daughter Book Reviews, and is hosted and managed by Renee from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to Renee(at)MotherDaughterBookReviews(dot)com.

MDBR Book Promotion Services

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


The V Girl
Mya Robarts
Publication date: July 1st 2014
Genres: Dystopia, New Adult

In post-apocalyptic North America, rape and sexual slavery are legal. Lila Velez, desperately wants to lose her virginity before the troops visit her town and can take it away by force. She makes plans to seduce her only friend, Rey, the most attractive man in her town. Lila does not love him but he is the only man who has shown her true affection, an affection she is willing to take as a substitute of love.

Lila’s coping mechanism to her mother’s rape and kidnapping is her secret. A secret that will bring her closer to Aleksey, a foreign, broody man. Lila does not trust him because his links to the troops and his rough, yet irresistible appearance. Aleksey offers Lila an alternative to her plans, a possibility that terrifies her…and tempts her in spite of herself.

All the while Lila will have to find a way to live in the constant company of death, slavery, starvation, sexual abuse and the danger of losing the people she loves the most.

This book is recommended for readers over the age of 18 due to strong language and sexual content.

Goodreads: Click here

Purchase Link:

Watch out for links to be added soon

I am a bookaholic and regret nothing.

I spent years trying to become a contemporary dance choreographer. Eventually I realized that I enjoyed writing my stories rather than creating dances for them.

I am obsessed with books that present damaged characters, swoon worthy guys, controversial topics and happy endings.

Website: Click here

Twitter: Click here

Facebook: Click here

Goodreads Author Page: Click here

There is a blitz-wide giveaway of the following prizes: (Open Internationally - Ends July 14th) - 3 (three) eBook copy of The V Girl plus a $20.00 Amazon gift card, and 3 (three) T-Shirt plus a $20.00 Amazon gift card (So 6 (six)winners total). All you need to do is click on the following link that will take you to the rafflecopter form that will tell you what to do to enter this giveaway: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d04251467/

BOOK BLITZ!! In Your Corner

In Your Corner by Sarah Castille
(Redemption #2)
Published by: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publication date: July 1st 2014
Genres: Adult, Erotica, Romance

A Publishers Weekly Best Summer Book 2014!

"You have to go. I won't be able to control myself. I've wanted you so bad for so long and after I've been in the cage...I can't think straight." He gives a guttural groan and his fist clenches on my hip.

Primitive. Primal. His need speaks to me. I tighten my grip on his neck and rock up to kiss him. He takes over. His kiss is hard and demanding.

"Mine." His voice is raw, savage and for a moment I truly believe he may lose control.

He rules in the ring

Two years ago, Jake and Amanda were going hot and heavy. But when Jake wanted more, Amanda walked away. Jake immersed himself in mixed martial arts, living life on the edge. But that didn't dull the pain of Amanda's rejection-until a chance encounter throws them together.

A high-powered lawyer, Amanda was a no-strings-attached kind of girl. But two years after her breakup with Jake, she still hasn't found anyone who gets her heart pumping the way he did. And then he shows up in her boardroom, hot as sin and needing help...

But can he rule her heart?

Jake is darker, sexier, and impossible to resist. As their chemistry builds, Amanda's not sure if she can stay in control, or if she's finally willing to let him claim her body and soul.

Goodreads: Click here

Purchase Links:

Amazon: Click here

Barnes & Noble: Click here

iTunes: Click here

Kobo: Click here

Link for Against the Ropes (Redemption #1): A Publishers Weekly Top Ten Pick for Romance & Erotica and #1 Amazon Erotic Romance Bestseller:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Sarah Castille, worked and travelled abroad before trading her briefcase and stilettos for a handful of magic beans and a home near the Canadian Rockies. She writes erotic contemporary romance and romantic suspense featuring blazingly hot alpha heroes and the women who tame them.

Website: Click here

Facebook: Click here

Twitter: Click here

Goodreads Author Page: Click here

Pinterest: Click here

There is a blitz-wide giveaway of one (1) $50.00 Amazon gift card (open internationally), ten (10) mini boxing glove keychains (US/CAN), five (5) ecopies of "Yield to Me" (open internationally). Simply click the following link that will bring you to the rafflecopter for that will tell you how to enter this giveaway: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d04251469/

Have You Heard The One?

Have you heard the one where I tell you about my new company? Okay I suckered you in, it was not a joke. MY BAD! I just wanted to say not that I thought that this would be easy but between the people I have tried to contact that I thought I could count on and the information that got deleted or lost more than once, whew! So it is pulling time from my blog which is not what I wanted. So I am going to pick up on the blogging so it will get back to the blog that you know. I am working out a schedule (Something I thought I would NEVER do! lol!) so that I can work on my blog every day if even for a few hours and one day a week where that is all I will be doing.

So hang in there with me and I hope that those of you who are still hanging in there are still enjoying the post I do once in a while and the book blitzes that I have still been doing. I was ill I I said last post and this is the first day I have been up at my normal time (between 5:30a and 8:30am) and not asleep at 2:30p. So I must be getting better.

If you have any question or anything you want to to see on my blog, please comment. I got a private comment that one of my readers wanted to see more visual things on my blog. So I am looking into a vine account and using my youtube account. I may get a new one to be named as this blog is. I also have some other places like Disqus I am over at but do not have a large following but that can change.

I miss this blog very much. If I know how much time the company would take, I would still do it. But I would NOT be sick (LOL!) and I would do a calender so I could get a bread from the company work and do something fun like work on my blog.

I have had my views go down and that is understandable but this happened last time I was sick and all my lovies came back to see me.

Have a great day everyone!!!

Love and Light,
Mismatched Bookend Tours

(Look to your right and under the first picture which I may remove or switch around, is my button. Feel free to grab my button for your blog!)

5 Brilliant Bookstore-Bars

(from pageriot.com
by Aram Mrjoian)

While we at the Riot are taking this lovely summer week off to rest (translation: read by the pool/ocean/on our couches), we’re re-running some of our favorite posts of 2014. Enjoy this Best Of, and we’ll be back to your regularly scheduled programming on Monday, July 7th!

This post originally ran May 31st.


One of my favorite quotes by James Joyce is, “The sacred pint alone can unbind the tongue.” For me at least, reading books and casually drinking have always gone well together. After all, what’s better than sitting down with a cold beer or glass of wine (or occasionally a liberal tumbler of bourbon) and reading a great book? Luckily for all us lovers of literature, there is a new trend in the bookstore world: the bookstore equipped with a bar. Here’s a list of five great bookstore pubs.

White Horse Trading Co., Seattle, Washington: White Horse Trading Co. is buried in Post Alley, clandestinely located right next to the infamous Pike Place Market. It’s within walking distance of a lot of the great sights in downtown Seattle, while being a bit less touristy than waiting for an hour in line at the flagship Starbucks located a block over. It has an awesome nostalgic quality due to both its surreptitious location and its decor.

BookBar, Denver, Colorado: I had the privilege of going to BookBar while I was out in Denver over the summer. The book selection is great, as are the rotating taps and collection of bottled Colorado beers. They also have a great wine list, and the majority of their food is cleverly named after literary legends. I was amazed and delighted by the graciousness and amicability of their staff. Also, their enormous desk made of books, pictured below, is incredibly beautiful.

Books & Brews, Indianapolis, Indiana: This brand new literary pub was inspired by The Spotty Dog Books & Ale, which is included later on in this list. Jason Wuerfel, the owner, is a bookstore enthusiast, but also wise to the financial challenges of opening an independent bookstore. His answer to the risk? Balance it out with a perennial bestseller, beer. To make this even cooler, all the beers are brewed on site, making it a true bookstore brewery.

Elements: Books Coffee Beer, Biddeford, Maine: This might be the coolest sign I’ve ever seen. They have a tremendous list of local and regional beers on tap and in bottles. They also have wine, coffee, and an array of charcuterie and cheeses. (And of course books) Elements has me seriously considering a road trip.

The Spotty Dog Books & Ale, Hudson, New York: Built in a refurbished firehouse, a local historic landmark, they pride themselves on a local selection of beer and wine. They also sell art supplies, making The Spotty Dog the type of eclectic salon that has something for everyone. Throw in the fact that they host live music, and it becomes obvious that The Spotty Dog is a community staple.

I think these type of bookstores are great for the community. In my mind, they encourage curious readers, provide another venue for local arts, and connect the great pastimes of social drinking and introverted reading. What better way to loosen our tongues and talk about the great books we love?